
Welcome Henan Boss Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd.!



What is the working pressure o

  Liquid nitrogen container, also known as Dewar bottle, has a very thermal insulation effect, ...


What is the use of liquid nitr

 Now the price of liquid nitrogen tank is more and more used, and there are many styles, such a...


Notices for Treatment of Liqui

 Notices for Treatment of Liquid Nitrogen1. When dealing with liquid nitrogen and any objects c...


What are the factors affecting

1. When all liquid nitrogen evaporates, the temperature in the container rises slowly.2. The evapora...


Ten things you should know abo

 Ten things you should know about liquid nitrogen tanks1. Nitrogen is an inert gas, which can r...


The liquid nitrogen tank frost

   Liquid nitrogen tank (also known as cryogenic tank) is a special storage container for ...


How to choose liquid nitrogen

 With the progress of science and technology, liquid nitrogen tanks are also applied in many fi...


Daily cleaning and maintenance

 The liquid nitrogen output step of the liquid nitrogen tank is as follows:1. First step, close...


What is the inspection work of

 A number of checks are needed to ensure that the liquid nitrogen tank is used more smoothly.(1...


What are the characteristics o

1. The liquid nitrogen tank is made of high-quality rust-proof aluminium alloy with light weight.2. ...

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